real woman• real bodies 

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Rediscovering Me!

I sat here for a long time thinking about how I got here. A woman with little confidence, often using my sense of humor to cover my unhappiness with myself, to brand ambassador for an incredibly talented photographer. Life is funny. I always knew deep down that there was confidence in me but no idea […]

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Wearing nothing but confidence and a smile!

If you would have told me that 2020 would include me becoming a Boudoir ambassador, I would have called you crazy.  If you would have told me that 2020 would include me actually doing a Boudoir shoot, I would have said “Ha, Ha… not this chick”.  Well to all of you, those that I know and those […]

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Different Ways a Woman Can Express Her Sexuality

Confidence Booster, Self Love, Sexuality

Different Ways a Woman Can Express Her Sexuality

It’s easy to hear the word “sexuality,” and immediately think of sex. There’s a lot of association with the term and with sexual activity, sexual orientation, and other physical aspects of sex; but sexuality is so much more than that. It’s an integral part of who you are not just as a human being, but […]

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Evolution of Lingerie

Boudoir Photography Boston, Evolution of Lingerie

Evolution of Lingerie

Lingerie today revolves around the woman choosing to wear it. Quite accessible now in a large variety of forms, current lingerie contributes to a unique, modern version of beauty as compared to past eras, encouraging women to show their confidence and strength and exemplify what “sexy” truly means. Though lingerie has evolved into something all […]

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Boudoir Photography Boston, Confidence Booster, self esteem

Brands That Support All Women As They Are

Many women are growing tired of magazines, advertisements, and otherwise portraying unachievable body images as a “must have.” Women come in all shapes and sizes, and unfortunately, the positive side of that is rarely reflected in the media. Luckily, many different brands have committed to celebrating the natural beauty of women regardless of age, shape, […]

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The Pouting Room