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Evolution of Lingerie

Boudoir Photography Boston, Evolution of Lingerie

Evolution of Lingerie

Lingerie today revolves around the woman choosing to wear it. Quite accessible now in a large variety of forms, current lingerie contributes to a unique, modern version of beauty as compared to past eras, encouraging women to show their confidence and strength and exemplify what “sexy” truly means. Though lingerie has evolved into something all […]

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Boudoir Photography, Boudoir Photography Boston, Confidence Booster, self esteem

All About Loving Yourself

We live in a world where we are constantly being peer pressured: pressured to be a specific size, to wear a specific brand, to do our makeup a specific way, to dye our hair a certain color, and the list goes on. With social media being present in our lives on a daily basis, we […]

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The Pouting Room